Monday, October 19, 2009

For You

For You My Love
I would drive across the ocean
my mind a clarity of thought
as I whisper sweet everything’s to you.
Over distances of millennia I have walked,
I have waited for you,
I am still waiting.
Yet you are still there, my heart
splayed at your feet for you to trample
yet you do not.
You sit back in your moment of omnipotence,
take my heart into your hand
and brush the dust from it, as if
to brush the dust from a weary traveler.
The softest touch from your hand seems to
bruise me and heal me in one breath.
The fire within me a supernova of lights, images, sounds,
you have found me my love.
A piece of me forever yours,
given willingly without reservation
For You

NOTE: This piece was dedicated to my good friends.  One of which waxed poetic one day about the lengths that he would go through for his lady love.  Needless to say, I went a bit ... farther, but you get the point.  :)  Hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. It's sweet... I threw up a little in my mouth when I read it but it is still sweet.
