Monday, December 7, 2009


I stand resolute,
Unable to believe the words
Cast in my direction by the wind
My awareness a shade of darkness
That uses light like a prism
To reflect the changes in others
For myself to view
Within the darkness I have noticed you
Skulking through your moments of solitude
Believing you have everyone fooled
Believing you are the only one aware
Thinking that no one notices the changes
Make no secrets that you are not willing to have seen
Make no moves that you are not willing to explain
You demand from others
And yet, are indignant when any demand of you,
Bring you information you ask,
Sending your little minions scurrying about,
Believing that they work with you,
When in reality your disdain for them is simply clouded,
Let them not see.
When in reality you are nothing more than a user,
A small insignificant dot in the sky of change
Who believes that the only way should be yours
Christianity suits you,
One more person standing on a soap box screaming
Mine is the right and true way, none other is true!
Believe only me.
The writing is on the subway walls,
For all to see if they simply wish to look,
Unable to bend to the ways of another,
To neither accept them nor trust that they can accept you,
I am not like you,
I know who and what you are,
Your shadow games and misguidance's are not lost on me,
Your moments of silence to preserve your precious knowledge
Your inability to trust,
You are you,
I accepted that a long time ago,
You use me to your own ends
You have no respect for me,
Few do.
But I am me,
I have been here in your territory,
I have moved in your circles,
You can not simply cast me out,
I will not play your games any longer.
Gathering people around you,
Like so many Pokémon so that none will hear my words
Making sure that they only know what you want them to,
Molding them to be good little drones,
Never to consider ideas beyond yours,
It's too dangerous to do such, you could get hurt,
Speaking to adults as if they are children,
You could be misguided, mine is the only right way,
I am the only one that can help you, teach you,
Start a church or get over it.
My mistake in this void was loving you,
A mistake I recognize and won't fix
My mistake was trusting you
A mistake I won't make again.
Until you have earned it.
My trust is only given freely once.
Yet I will be here, as I always am,
Keeping my home open, doing my work,
Work you couldn't fathom, work you think insignificant,
And when the deceiver's voice comes to my door,
I will not allow it to touch me,
For my trust has been lost,
And to me, your moments of silence,
Are no better than lies.

AUTHORS NOTE:  This is an older piece.  I know it's not like some of my other pieces as it's much darker, angrier and overall harsher.  I keep this piece around (it's not one of my favorates) because it shows the breadth of what I can write as a poet in many regards.  I was angry when it was written that shows through very clearly.  :)  Once again this is an OLDER PIECE written over 2 years ago at this point.

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