Wednesday, October 7, 2009

For Me...

I have a real problem with the words "for me." I guess that stems from a lot of things, first and foremost I find it difficult to look at myself and try to be selfish. So I'm going to try and keep this blog going just so that I have something ... for me.

About me now: You could look at it and say well won't you be the same later, but I really won't. Now I'm a mom, I have a wonderful son who is turning 9 at the end of the month, and I have two effective foster children, I don't know when they will dissappear but I give them my love no matter what. I'm a mate, my mate is a wonderful man who keeps me safe and lets me feel freedoms that I don't think I would feel in any other relationship. I have a HUGE family. Some of them are biological (actually very few) others are not but they are my family none the less. I look after them, and they in turn look after me. I'm going to school (again) can't seem to finish this project so I'm chalking it up to a life goal. Maybe one day I will be able to look at myself and see where I am now and where I am then and know that I've come a long way.

I'm getting married. Finally. This is something that I've longed for for so long, and quite frankly I'm glad that it's happening with my mate. I couldn't think of a better man to spend the rest of my life with. Things are probably not as different for me as they are for many of the other people out there... I try to be a good person, I try to help people, I have a hard time saying No. This is something that I am sure I will learn in time, but frankly, part of me dreads that day.

I intend on using this blog for my poetry, for my various writings, and for other things, most of my important thoughts come out in pros and are meant for many different peoples and many different times. So for me, I will enjoy the writing, for everyone else, I hope you enjoy the posts.

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